Archive for ‘Zdrakovic’

March 25, 2011

Painting Car Wash

Nouvelle technique : Cette fois, ayant décrété que peindre assis n’est pas ergonomique, je me retrouve à peindre tel les calligraphes asiatiques : à genou par terre…


For the second “Zdravkoviced” painting I wanted to insist on the irisation of multiple colors I found on the photo: like oil and water in the sun a lot of vivid colors are shining averywhere… I tried to find a better way to paint in a “neocubist” way and not only drawing painting like in water color. But I am still unsatisfied with the geometry which I find more in the photo and not follow enough in my painting… Anyway I spent more than 4 hours on Car Wash and I create new colors in small pot so that now I have 27 different colors I can use….

I really like to paint with such kind of choice! My next painting will be more geometric I promess….

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March 25, 2011

Painting Fire

After painting Sdravkovic colorful-cubist magical painting’s Shy Modele, I “zdrakoviced”  some pictures on Photofiltre and began to paint them. Fire is the first.

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March 22, 2011

Magic Boy

J’ai peint cette peinturzependant plus de 13 heures en deux jour (le week-end dernier). Grâce au modèle du peintre Nebojsa Zdravkovic, j’ai pu étudier plus profondément que dans Blue Dawn, la technique géométrique “cubiste” de ce peinter serbe — ceci après avoir lu son interview sur l’importance des formes cubiques dans sa peinturre….


I painted this one in more than 13 hours last week-e,d (in two dys: 9hours and 4 hours). I studied what Zdravkovic calls ” figurative art with elements of neocubism” in  his 2007 interview. I don’t know yet but I wish I could paint like that all the time since  now: we will see…

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